
Who we are

What is

WoF Kids?

Carve better Futures

WOF kids are children of the Working On Fire (WOF) Programme’s participants and management. The WOF Kids Project is an initiative that aims to support socio-economic needs of the children, assists them to carve better futures for themselves, and equips them with life skills. It is about nurturing their unique and diverse talents, and unleashing their potential. The project also aims to strengthen family bonds (the parent-child relationship) and to help families deal with social ills and other challenges affecting young people.

Among the issues that WoF Kids Project tackles are:

  • Sexuality – body changes during puberty and self-esteem.
  • Child Abuse Awareness.
  • Financial Intelligence.
  • Children’s Rights education.
  • Substance Abuse Awareness.
  • Family relationships.

WoF Kids



The WOF Kids Care Packages – the Christmas gifts that are an integral part of the WOF Kids Project. This is an annual gift initiative for WOF kids that helps to relieve the financial burden that many parents face during December and January. Every child deserves a Christmas present and school supplies for their educational development. The packages cater for WOF kids from newborn to 18 year-olds and can include cosmetics, toothpaste, toothbrush, toys, educational materials, snack, clothing item, etc based on the age group of the receiving child.

Help us to fundraise or donate a package!
Fundraising activities start in January to ensure there are enough gifts to distribute in December of each year. Donors include WOF Exco members, management, base partners, local businesses, partners and community members. Nomination forms, where participants nominate children, are completed and captured annually.

Help bring joy

this 2022 festive season

with WOF Kids Care Packages

What is the WOF Kids Care Package Project?

Inspired by the legacy of Nelson Mandela, Working on Fire launched the WOF Kids Care Packages in 2018. Across South Africa, young faces lit up with smiles, as WOF distributed WOF Kids Care Packages. These personalized boxes were generously donated by Working on Fire staff members, management, partners and kind-hearted individuals and companies. Since 2018, WOF has collected and distributed over 7000 packages to happy WOF Kids. We are excited to continue with this great initiative in 2022, with a target of 2000 packages.

Who are the recipients of these Care Packages?

These Care Packages are gifted to qualifying children of WOF fire-fighters and High Altitude Team rope technicians – participants within the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Working on Fire would like to continue sowing into this initiative so that we can honour our fire-fighters by gifting their children over the festive season. Many of our staff members and partners are wholeheartedly behind this drive, but for the number of children we wish to give, we definitely need more willing hearts.

What is a WOF Kids Care Package made up of?

WOF Kids Care Package is a gift of hope to WOF Kids from new-born to 18 years of age. The core content includes essential care basics, school supplies, clothing and educational toys of which the monetary value is in the region of R200 per Care Package.

How you can help us make a difference?

You can make a monetary donation to:

Working on Fire (Pty) Ltd
Bank: ABSA
Account: 406 902 9619
Branch code: 632 005
Reference: WOFKIDS + (Province you wish to donate to)
Forward proof of payment to: wellness@wofire.co.za

How you can help us make a difference?

You can donate the following items (to Provincial WOF Offices or relevant Social Development Practitioner):

Babies & Toddlers

  • Baby soap
  • Cloth & lotion
  • Blankets
  • Toys or books
  • Clothing

Children up to 18

  • Washcloth & soap
  • Snack
  • Stationary
  • Clothing
  • Toys or books
  • Toothpaste & toothbrush

Need more information?

Call us on: 087 352 4883
Email us: wellness@wofire.co.za


Girl Scouts

The aim is to give each little girl confidence to stand up for herself, to be empowered and to embrace womanhood with pride.

This project involves our female leaders and participants who coach and guide the girls in WoF Kids on being the best version of themselves.

The project addresses issues of:

  • Peer pressure through various self-awareness exercises.
  • Self esteem and self confidence
  • Puberty, menstruation
  • Sexuality and friendships
  • Financial intelligence
Girls are given a safe space to address their fears and plan towards fulfilling their dreams. There is also skills-sharing where the girls learn from each other.


Boy Scouts

A special project for boys between the ages of 10 and 18 established in KwaZulu-Natal in 2019, based on the concept of ‘The Brotherhood’ and supporting positive learning in communities.

The boys are mentored by WOF Men (management, participants and crew-leaders) and community leaders. Men of different age groups participate in the project, creating intergenerational dialogue which is needed for growing minds. Community members are also invited to assist in training the boys in various projects. Boys are taught various skills like fixing door handles, broken windows, working with electrical appliances, changing car tyres, and other repair or handyman skills.
The boys attend a two-day camp where they take part in various activities, aimed at educating, empowering and entertaining them. There is also a special evening session ‘sitting around fire’ for a storytelling moment that is about education and moral regeneration through oral tradition.


Working on Fire EPWP

Working on Fire EPWP


Forestry Support Programme

Forestry Support Programme

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